Planned giving

There are many ways to make a planned gift to Family House through your will, retirement plan assets, life insurance, pooled income funds, and charitable trusts. Making a planned gift is a generous way to provide lasting support that will allow families to live in dignity and call Family House their home away from home for years to come.

Positive impact of your gift

  • Establishes a permanent legacy reflecting your values
  • Provides cost-free housing and family-centered care for future generations
  • Reduces tax obligations pertaining to your estate

To make a bequest to Family House or to get more information, please contact Chief Development Officer, Michele Reese, at, (415) 475-9723 or complete the form below and we will contact you.

If you have already included Family House in your estate plans, please notify us so we may celebrate and recognize your support today for a gift you will make in the future.

Download Notification Form

Sample language for a charitable bequest*:

BEQUEST A SPECIFIC AMOUNT: “I give to Family House, Inc., a California not-for-profit corporation that is recognized as exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with its principal office located at 540 Mission Bay Blvd. North, San Francisco, CA 94158, the sum of $___ to be used for its general purposes.”

OR BEQUEST A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR ESTATE: “___% of the total value of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

OR TAKE CARE OF OTHERS FIRST, DONATE A % OR TOTAL OF THE REMAINDER: “[all or ___%)] of my residuary estate to be used for its general purposes.”

*This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Always consult your legal, tax, or other professional advisor(s) before implementing a planned gift to charity. Family House Tax ID#: 94-2722663

Need more information on charitable giving options to support Family House San Francisco? Let us know by filling out the form below and we’ll be happy to setup a time to talk through your questions.